February 2015Home Chic Club: February 2015


My clipboard featured on Hometalk

As we all know, the type of paint called Chalk Paint much is being said and written in the blogosphere. Easy to use and practical color that allows it to be colored in almost any surface without the hassle and preparation. Just what we need. The preparation is always the most boring part of the job, requires time and has nothing to do with the creative part of the work we are interested in. 

That's why this type of paint is ideal for all creative people, because it is applied to almost any surface, can be at any shade, fast dries, it can be easily sanded, and most importantly, the finished product looks good. But,well-known brand of Chalk Paint is quite expensive and not available everywhere in the world, so imaginative bloggers came up with a way to fight. They made it at home with stuff they already have, and star is born - DIY Chalk Paint.

There is a lot of different recipes for preparing this color on the internet and blogs, and opinions are divided too. In any case, it's worth to try because the ingredients can be found at very affordable prices and the preparation itself is very simple and fast. 

My research of the net on this subject resulted in a Chalk Paint prepared with calcium carbonate.  It can be purchased online and it`s very inexpensive. 
I personally tried the recipe on piece of furniture, so if you missed that post, all the details can be found here.
Liz Storch, Community Manager on Hometalk really loved that post, so she asked me to curate clipboard on Hometalk on DIY Chalk Paint tips.

The original board can be found on Hometalk here.
As you can see onthe beginning of the post, that board recived appropriate treatment, great pinnable graphic from the Hometalk professional team, and now my beautified clipboard is ready for publication and feturing on Hometalk email and social platforms.

I want to thank again Liz and great people on Hometalk for this great opportunity and wonderful cooperation!!

Kao što svi znamo, o vrsti boje koja se zove Chalk Paint mnogo se govori i piše u blogosferi. Jednostavna za upotrebu i praktična boja koja omogućava da se oboji skoro svaka površina bez muke i pripreme. Baš ono što nam treba. Jer priprema je najdosadniji deo posla koji iziskuje vreme, a nema baš nikakve veze sa onim kreativnim delom posla koji nas zanima. 

Zbog toga je ova boja idealna za sve kreativce, jer se nanosi na gotovo svaku podlogu, može biti u bilo kojoj nijansi, brzo se suši, lako se može šmirglati i što je najvažnije, gotov proizvod lepo izgleda. 

No, poznata marka ove boje je dosta skupa i nije dostupna svuda u svetu, pa su maštovite blogerke smislie način da boju naprave same i tako je nastao pojam DIY Chalk Paint. Recepata za pripremu boje ima dosta na internetu i blogovima, a mišljenja o njoj su podeljena. 

U svakom slučaju vredi probati neki od recepata jer se sastojci mogu naći po veoma pristupačnim cenama a sama priprema je veoma jednostavna i brza. Moje istraživanje interneta na ovu temu rezultiralo je izborom boje koja se priprema sa Kalcijum karbonat-om koji je moguće nabaviti online i veoma je jeftin. Pre nekog vremena sam recept i lično probala na jednom komadu nameštaja, pa ako ste propustili taj post sve detalje možete pogledati ovde.

Ovaj post se veoma dopao Liz Storch, Community Manager-u
Hometalk-a, pa me je pozvala da priredim jedan clipboard na Hometalku-u na temu DIY Chalk Paint. 
Originalni board možete pogledati na Hometalk-u: ovde

Kao što ste na početku i videli, ovaj clipboard je dobio i odgovarajući tretman, pinnable grafiku od stručnog tima Hometalk-a, pa je tako ulepšan spreman za objavljivanje i isticanje na Hometalk-ovom email-u i društvenim platformama.

Ovom prilikom želim da se zahvalim Liz i prijateljima sa Hometalk-a na poverenju i divnoj saradnji!  
Sharing on:

Shabbilicious Friday
A Stroll Thru Life
Rooted In Thyme
The Dedicated House

The Shabby Nest

Ivy and Elephants


Another clipboard feature? Oh, yes!

Pre nekoliko dana sam ponovo pozvana od Liz Storch, Community menadžera na Hometalk-u da sarađujemo i ponovo sam pomislila kako svet nije sačinjen od kontinenata, regiona ili država. Svet je mesto sačinjeno od ljudi i to nam postaje jasno uvek kada osetimo radost ili tugu za nekoga koga nikada nismo sreli niti upoznali, kada se divimo nečijem postignuću bez ikakvog povoda ili kada se ljutimo na ljude koji su svojim činjenjem ili nečinjenjem naudili nekom drugom.
Zato verujem da i ovaj mali događaj (možda ne tako mali za mene, ali za sve ostale svakako) ima neke veze sa tim da su ljudi uvek, pre svega i posle svega ljudi, da se razumeju bez obzira na jezik kojim govore, političko ili versko uverenje koje imaju i sve druge razlike koje među ljudima već mogu da postoje. Zbog toga mi je drago da postoje mesta kao što je Hometalk gde možemo da delimo ideje, inspiracije i projekte, gde su svi dobrodošli i gde se svakome pruža ista šansa da bude primećen i cenjen zbog onoga što radi. Zahvaljujem se Hometalk-u na ponovno ukazanom poverenju. Detalji ove male saradnje će biti uskoro objavljeni na blogu, zato ostanite uz mene.

A few days ago I was invited again by Liz Storch, Community Manager at Hometalk to work with them and again I thought that world is not made ​​up of continents, regions or countries. The world is a place made ​​up of people, and that becomes even more clear to us whenever we feel joy or sorrow for someone we have never met or know, when we admire to someone's achievement without any special reason, or when we get angry at people who, by their acts or omissions harm to someone else. 
So I believe that this small event (maybe not so small for me, but for everyone else certainly) has something to do with the fact that people are after all just people, no matter what language they speak, which political or religious belief they have or in despite to all the other differences, whatever there may be. That`s why I`m glad that there are places like Hometalk, where we can share ideas, inspiration and projects, where all are welcome and where everyone have the same chance to be noticed and appreciated for what he does.
I want to thank Hometalk for this opportunity again. Details of these little cooperation will be published soon on the blog, so stay with me.
