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DIY Gallery Wall

As I mentioned the other day, some changes will occur in my living room. I decided to add a modern touch and a little more chic, but I will remain loyal to my neutral colors for which I firmly believe to be the base for a good design. 
First thing I have done is a kind of a gallery wall on the biggest wall in the room. I try with many options with this wall. Big and small art, mirror etc.., but anything was good enough. Gallery wall is everywhere, so I thought why not? But, I haven`t art that I wanted. So I thought maybe I can made it? And I did. I used my existing mirror which was dark brown and readjust it with the help of gold patina. That was good! But I needed more art. I had two white and gold frames (not expensive, but good looking) and I both another two. Idea was to make four matching art pieces around the mirror. 
After I paint four pieces of "art" with black acrylic paint I was very pleased with the result! Actually I was thrilled, because I was just a step from the final result. As always, something went wrong. I broke glass on one frame, and it was the last two in the store. Oh, I was furious of myself! I even hit the door (my hand still hurts), but then I thought I can find other, same sized frame and use the glass. So I went to the store full of hope. But, you know that trouble never comes alone. In whole store was not a single frame with dimensions I needed. After searching three times, I finally realized that there is no corresponding frame. There was nothing else to do but to buy the other two that I like. 
The seller was giggling while I was paying and warned me to be more careful this time. I was thinking whether to strangle him or just give him a significant look. I decided to forget about him and hurried home to adapt everything to new frames. It went smooth (surprise, surprise!), so I finished it and hung everything on the wall. I thing it looks fabulous!! What do you think? Do you like it?

Kao što sam pomenula pre par dana, planiram da napravim neke promene u dnevnoj sobi. Odlučila sam da sve malo "modernizujem" i dodam malo šika (uostalom tako mi se zove blog), ali ću ostati verna neutralim bojama, za koje čvrsto verujem da su baza dobrog dizajna.
Prva stvar koju sam uradila je neka vrsta galerije na najvećem zidu u sobi. Svašta sam probala sa tim zidom. Velike i male slike, ogledala itd., ali ništa mi se od svega toga nije dopalo. Kućne galerije su svuda, pa sam pomislila da probam i ja. Ali nisam imala slike kakve sam želela. Pomislila sam možda bih mogla samada je napravim? Uradi sam je moja uža specijalnost. Postojeće ogledalo je dobilo nov izgled uz pomoć zlatne patine i to je dobro izgledalo. Ali mi je nedostajalo još slika. Imala sam dva belo-zlatna rama (jeftini, ali dobro izgledaju) i kupila sam još dva. Ideja je bila da postavim četiri slike u istim ramovina oko ogledala. Nakon što sam naslikala četiri remek dela crnom akrilnom bojom bila sam vrlo zadovoljna. Čak ushićena, jer me je samo korak delio od realizacije ideje. Ali,  nešto uvek mora da krene naopako. Dok sam nemeštala jednu od slika u ram, slučajno sam polomila staklo. A to su bila poslednja dva takva rama u prodavnici!! Toliko sam bila besna na samu sebe da sam svom snagom zveknula rukom o vrata (još me boli), ali onda mi je sinula spasonosna ideja. Pronaći ću u prodavnici ram iste veličine i upotrebiću staklo! I tako sam krenula u prodavnicu puna nade. Ali, kako nijedno zlo ne ide samo, u prodavnici nije bilo nijednog rama te veličine. Nakon što sam tri puta prevrnula sve ramove konstatovala sam surovu istinu. Nema rama te veličine! Nije mi preostalo ništa drugo nego da kupim druga dva koja su mi se dopala. 
Prodavac se kikotao veselo dok sam plaćala i upozorio me da ovaj put budem pažljivija. Razmišljala sam da li da ga zadavim ili samo značajno pogledam. Odlučila sam da ga ignorišem i požurila kući da sve prilagodim novim ramovima. To je prošlo glatko (na moje ogromno iznenađenje), tako da sam sve brzo završila i moja mala galerija je bila gotova. Meni se jako sviđa, a vama?

Less-Than-Perfect Life of Bliss


  1. I meni se sviđa taj "touch" zlatnog u tvom stanu, daje profinjenu notu, bezvremensku.

    1. Primetila si da sam dobila "zlatnu groznicu"... :D Hvala puno! :*

  2. Now that is chic! I love your original artwork, so cool!

    1. Thanks Patti! I`m such an artist, don`t you think? :D

  3. Loving this gallery wall--that mirror is fantastic!

    1. Thank you so much Jessica! That mirror was dark brown with brown glass little adornments! I put a gold patina on everything and it looks so much better now!

  4. Kod tebe je uvek sve tako chic :) Me likey!

  5. What a fun wall! Oh that mirror. Gorgeous :) Thanks so much for sharing at the Pretty Preppy Party!

    1. Thanks so much! Happy to share it at your lovely party! :)
