Kitchen Organization - Awkward Space Solutions | Home Chic Club: Kitchen Organization - Awkward Space Solutions


Kitchen Organization - Awkward Space Solutions

Organizing the kitchen is one of my first priorities when it comes to constant stuff overload. Having really small kitchen with some awkward corners can be challenging. So, for me it is very important to organize the space for easy and quick access to everyday ingredients all the time.
As you can see in the photos, between my refrigerator and one of the walls, we have this awkward, narrow space where the big pipes is situated. For me, this was a big eye sore, even after I painted pipes white to better blend with the wall. 
I was thinking how to deal with it, and finally came up with a simple and practical solution. I decided to make a tall shelving unit to hide the ugly pipes and doubles as a storage for flour, sugar, rice and other things i need daily. Take a look.
I`m really happy with the final outcome! It`s a great solution for storing so many things and also, after putting everything in the new place, I have two upper cabinets free!! What do you think? Do you have any awkward kitchen corner that needs to be organized?
P I N  T H I S  F O R  L A T E R!!
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  1. Zaista je dobro urađeno u svakom pogledu i to neću mnogo komentarisati, jer sam time dovoljno rekla. Sve na svome mestu, uredno, pregledno.
    Slika na kojoj su brat i sestra me je oduševila, jer me podseća na moju ćerku i mog sestrića koji se vole najviše na svetu i koji ne mnogu da zamisle dan jedno bez drugog.
    Ali kutija! Onako nešto baciti u alat?! Ne mogu da verujem! Zamisli samo moju facu kad sam pročitala to.

  2. Hvala draga. Trudila sam se da organizujem taj mali neiskorišćeni kutak i ova stalaža je baš prava stvar.
    Što se rama za slike tiče i ja sam se oduševila i odmah sam znala koje ću slike da stavim u njega. Klinci su preslatki, izmame mi osmeh svaki put kada prođem i bacim pogled!
    A za kutiju nemam reči... Šta reći... muškarci prosto nemaju osećaj za te stvari, ali sam srećna što sam je slučajno pronašla i spasila.
