Designers At Fingertips with StyleWe* | Home Chic Club: Designers At Fingertips with StyleWe*


Designers At Fingertips with StyleWe*

Hello lovely people! For those of you who are new to my blog, welcome. Today I wanted to share really interesting online store StyleWe! If you never heard about them, StyleWe is an online fashion shopping platform featuring independent fashion designers. Their goal is to provide original, high quality and exclusive products from independent designers from around the world. General idea is to empower designers, so that they doesn`t stay hidden behind the brand and have possibilities to directly communicate with customers. With this idea on mind, fashion would be personal and diversified and wouldn`t be just for rich and famous, but for everyone. So, that`s why their motto is:
 "At StyleWe, we believe that every customer should truly enjoy 
Designers at Your Fingertips."

Zdravo dragi moji! Za one koji su prvi put na mom blogu, dobro došli. Danas želim da sa vama podelim jednu interesantu online prodavnicu StyleWe! Ako niste čuli za njih, StyleWe je online prodavnica i modna platforma koja radi sa nezavisnim dizajnerima. Njihov cilj je da pruže kupcima originalne, kvalitetne i ekskluzivne proizvode dizajnirane od nezavisnih modnih dizajnera iz celog sveta. Ideja kojom se rukovode je da pruže tim dizajnerima veću moć da iskažu svoju kreativnost, a da ne budu "nevidljivi" iza imena brenda, kao i da komuniciraju sa kupcima neposredno. Uz takav pristup, interakcijom dizajnera i kupaca, modni trendovi bi bili više personalizovani i ne bi bili privilegija samo moćnih i bogatih, već dostupni svima. Zbog toga je njihov moto:
 "Mi verujemo da svakom kupcu treba da bude dostupan 
Dizajner na Dodir Prstom!" 
(ovo je moj slobodan prevod, hahaha...)

While I was browsing their site, I find really cute thing. First thing I noticed is that they have a great and amazing new collection of sweater dresses! Don`t know about you, but I love sweater dresses. They are worm, casual and comfortable and absolutely great for day time at any occasion. They have 402 in total, which means so many designs, colors and styles. Here`s some of my favorites. 
Dok sam pretraživala njihovu stranicu, naišla sam na neke zaista simpatične stvarčice. Prvo što sam primetila su džemper haljine! Ne znam za vas, ali  ja ih zaista obožavam, naročito kada dođe malo hladnije vreme. Tople, meke, udobne i opuštene i apsolutno sjajne za sve dnevne aktivnosti i prilike. Obzirom da imaju 402 haljine ukupno, možete da zamislite koliko vrsta dizajna, boja i stilova je u ponudi. Evo nekih koje su se meni dopale.
Black Ribbed Casual Half Sleeve Knitted Sweater Dress
White H-line Simple Angora-blend Sweater Dress
Light Blue Knitted Batwing Casual Ribbed Sweater Dress
Another great thing I find is that they provide you with some really great tips for style on their blog. You can find all kind of useful tips in beauty, fashion, makeup, skincare, lifestyle etc. You can also find really interesting posts about celebrities, new trends, travel and food ideas, or even wedding plans.  

Druga sjajna stvar vezana za njih je da na njihovom blogu možete pronaći i savete za stil. Ima zaista zanimljivih saveta iz oblasti kozmetike,  mode, šminke, nege, načina života itd. Ima i vrlo interesantnih postova vezanih za poznate ličnosti, nove trendove, putovanja, kuhinju, pa čak i saveta za uspešno planiranje venčanja.

Last, but not list don`t forget to check their offer for Black Friday and Cyber Monday!! They have so many lovely dresses and I`m sure you`ll find something you love for the great price. So hurry up and find your perfect dresses. Let me know what do you think? What is your favourite?

Naposletku želim da napomenem i odličnu ponudu za Black Friday and Cyber Monday!! Na sniženju su brojne haljine, pa verujem da svako može da pronađe nešto za sebe i to po vrlo pristupačnoj ceni. Zato, ako tražite nešto za sebe, obavezno pogledajte njihovu ponudu i javite mi šta se vama najviše dopalo. 
* This is a sponsored post but all opinions expressed in the post are solely my own.
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  1. I love the cut of the coats. So très chic!
    Have a good day

  2. I've found this site yesterday, it seems like they have a big choice of products :)

    1. Yes, nice products and good prices! xx

  3. Great selection!
    I follow you!

    1. I couldn`t find your blog to follow back, please leave me a link. Thanks!

  4. Nice site, lovely pieces, Thank you for sharing, I will heck them out :)
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

  5. I visited this amazing shop all dress are wonderful
    Kisses for you
    New post

  6. I visited this amazing shop all dress are wonderful
    Kisses for you
    New post

  7. Imaju fantasticne stvari al nazalost malo su skuplje :P

    1. U pravu si draga, ali imaju i dobre popuste! xx

  8. i like those orange coats:)

  9. This site has amazing stuffs! *-*

  10. excellent post
    beautiful dresses

  11. Thanks Gil! Have a great day! xx

  12. That's a great find. Amazing picks :)

    Come visit us soon
    Makeup, Style and Sugar

  13. Excellent post and gorgeous outfits. i love your eye for detail.

    Love Shanel

  14. Odlična ideja i perfektna prilika za sve mlade dizajnere :)

  15. Zanimljive haljine!

  16. Sajt se cini jako interesantnim, definitivno cu pogledati! Haljina nikad dosta ionako hh :)
    Hvala na preporuci!
    Novi post:

  17. Sajt se cini jako interesantnim, definitivno cu pogledati! Haljina nikad dosta ionako hh :)
    Hvala na preporuci!
    Novi post:

  18. Great selection dear! ^-^
