Hello guys and Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful start of the year with lots of fun and some new resolutions and hopes!
With just a few days in 2018, t`s that time of the year when we all reflect on what was happening in past year. Some of things we are proud of, and some of them we wish never happen, or ended different way. Anyhow, this is the time to summarize and think what we can do to make next year better, happier and more successful. I will not talk about resolutions and thinks you can do to improve your life in this post, this is all about your favorite posts in 2017. So lets begin with the list of 5 most popular posts this year:

Last, but not least, I have a free January calendar for you. I chose this festive lights as a background to remind you to stay happy and feel festive all the time, not just for the holidays! Hope you like it.
Please find your free copy of the my January 2018 Calendar available for you to download at the end of the post. Always appreciating your continued support and feedback on my blog and on social media...
Please find your free copy of the my January 2018 Calendar available for you to download at the end of the post. Always appreciating your continued support and feedback on my blog and on social media...
Note: For better result, adjust your printer settings on high and use cardstock paper, if you can. It`s 8.5 x 11 size, but be sure to uncheck option fit picture to frame or set your margins to None!
Thank you so much for stopping by, wishing you a wonderful day!
Sečam se gotovo svih ovih postova i zaista su bili predivni! Zelim ti jos mnogo uspeha u narednoj godini, kako u privatnom zivotu tako i u poslovnim planovima!Happy New Year 2018!♥
ReplyDeleteMy blog: http://thestoryofagothic.blogspot.rs/
New post is here, visit me! Malefica ♥
Hvala draga. Želim ti dobro zdravlje, puno smeha i ljubavi ! Srećna Nova! xx
DeleteThanks dear!
ReplyDeleteHello dear, thanks for your nice comment. It's a lovely calendar.
ReplyDelete❀ Walking Freckle ❀
This post is a dream
ReplyDeleteHappy New year
Aaaaa, ovo je tako slatko. Sjećam se svih ovih postova kao da sam ih juče čitala. Draga moja, od srca ti želim još jednu veliku i uspješnu godinu sa mnogo mnogo pregleda :*
ReplyDeleteBokeh is always a festive choice)) Love how it looks!
ReplyDeleteVauuu sto kjutt ❤ Bas mi se dopalo da se podsetim nekih postova 💕 Uzivala sam 😊😊
ReplyDeleteNovi post, ako zelis da pogledas-------
fantastic calender
fantastic calender
My best wishes to you
Draga Vesna, predivno je bilo čitati te tijekom 2017. godine! Želim ti sve najbolje i radujem se nastavku inspiracije na tvom blogu i u novoj godini. Neka ti bude još ljepša i uspješnija! <3
ReplyDeleteAmazing calendars.
ReplyDeleteEditable Printable Calendar