Repairing Scratches & Holes | Home Chic Club: Repairing Scratches & Holes


Repairing Scratches & Holes

Remember the closet in my hall? Hmmmm... After my primer was dry, I noticed a number of bumps and holes on it. Of course I can`t leave it like that... 
Sećate se onog plakara iz hola? Hmmmm... Nakon što sam nanela podlogu, primetila sam na njemu brojne neravnine i rupe. Naravno da nisam mogla da ostavim to tako...
So I worked yesterday and this morning to fill holes and bumps.
Zato sam juče i jutros popunila rupe i neravnine.
This is mainly just a cosmetic problem that can be easily solved with the help of wood filler. 
If one coat of wood filler is not enough, do it again, but always leave the previus layer too dry completly.
To je zapravo kozmetički problem koji se lako može rešiti uz pomoć gita za drvo.
Ukoliko jedan sloj nije dovoljan, nanesite više slojeva, uvek ostavljajući da se prethodni potpuno osuši.
One layer:
Jedan sloj:
Two layers:
Dva sloja:
One layer:
Jedan sloj:
Two layers:
Dva sloja:
I left the first coat to dry overnight, but you don`t have to. It is important to follow manufacturer's instructions.
Ja sam ostavila prvi sloj da se suši preko noći, ali vi ne morate. Važno je samo da pratite uputstvo proizvođača.
Materials and tools:
Materijal i alat:
When you are satisfied, send all fixed places with sandpaper, and the problem is solved!!
Kada ste potpuno zadovoljni, sva popravljena mesta ošmirglajte i problem je rešen!!
Ah, yes ... I have to show you what I bought yesterday. 
Ah, da... Moram da vam pokažem šta sam juče kupila.
Isn`t she adorable! 
Zar nije preslatka žirafica!
I bought a wall clock for my kitchen...
Kupila sam i zidni sat za kuhinju...
pillows for the balcony (in the colors of the sea)...
preslatke jastučiće za balkon (u morskim bojama)...
and a TV cabinet. 
i TV komodu.



  1. Such great finds!! Looks like you have some amazing shopping around you.

  2. Thanks Sara! :) Yeah, it`s a good shop and prices are very reasonable.
