Ideas for the most beautiful text | Home Chic Club: Ideas for the most beautiful text


Ideas for the most beautiful text

Recently it is very popular to decorate with texts. It can be on walls, furniture, or decorative objects in the apartment... 

U poslednje vreme veoma je popularno da se tekstom ukrašavaju zidovi, nameštaj, dekorativni predmeti u stanu...

Attracted by this idea, I planed to decorate the hall closet that way. I will write text on the closet and paint it with black or gray acrylic paint. So, I figured everything except the text. In fact, this is just the first dilemma. Another one is wheter to write this text in English or French? Hmmmm .... very difficult decision ... 
So, my dear friends I need your help and suggestions. Please leave comments and give me suggestions and ideas for the prettiest and most original text that will just brighten my closet. The most beautiful idea will have the privilege too beautify my home. :) Thanks for your help! Love you!

Privučena tom idejom, planiram da plakar u holu (ofarbala sam ga danas) ukrasim na ovaj način. Ručno su napisati tekst i obojiti ga crnom ili sivom akrilnom bojom. Dakle, sve sam smislila osim teksta. Zapravo to je prva dilama. Druga dilema je da li da tekst napišem na Engleskom ili Francuskom? Hmmmm... teška odluka...
Zato mi je, dragi prijatelji potrebna vaša pomoć i sugestije. Molim vas ostavite komentar i predloge i ideje za najlepši i najoriginalniji tekst koji će udahnuti život belom plakaru. Najlepša ideja imaće privilegiju da krasi moj dom. :) Hvala vam na pomoći! Ljubim vas!


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