DIY Shabby Chic Cookie Box | Home Chic Club: DIY Shabby Chic Cookie Box


DIY Shabby Chic Cookie Box

This plain wooden box was perfect for shabby chic storage. So I decided to give it a makeover and turn it into a shabby chic box for cookies and sweets. Because, who doesn`t love a delicious cookie served with afternoon tea or coffee.

You will need:

- black, white, gold and silver acrylic paint
- candle
- laser printed image of your choice
- decoupage glue or modge podge
- send paper
- little bit of water and brush or sponge

First step is to paint the box with black acrylic paint (to achieve the shabby effect later on).
After the black paint is completely dry, rub the edges of the box (or everywhere you like) with candle to make sanding later easier. This step will give cute shabby look to the box.
Next, paint the box with white acrylic paint in two coats and sand with a sand paper on the spots where candle was applied. 
Paint the interior of the box with the gold and silver (or any color you like).
Now is the time to transfer the image on the box. First, apply glue to the image on the printed side (make sure to use a laser print for this technique).
Glue the image to the box (printed side on the box) and let it dry completely.
Soak image with water (use sponge or brush) and start rubbing gently with your fingers. Rub off the layer upon layer of paper, so at the end you`ll end up with the image only.
You can see here how I take off the first layer of paper.
You can also decorate the interior of the box, if you like. I decorated mine with two angels.
Finally, finish your decorated box with a layer of clear acrylic lacquer. I also additionally decorated mine with lace ribbon and pearls.
Finally put your favorite cookies and sweets into the box and enjoy your coffee!
P I N  T H I S  F O R  L A T E R!!
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  1. kutija je divna,reci mi gdje si nabavila sliku za preslikavanje .

    1. The Graphics Fairy LLC-besplatne vintaz fotografije

    2. Hvala draga. Odgovor si već dobila, tamo sam pronašla sve ove slike. :)

  2. Anonymous11/13/2013

    Predivno si preuredila kutiju i napravila tutorijal.
    Lp; Sonja.

  3. Ovo je odrađeno majstorski !!!
    Ne mislim samo na kutiju kao kutiju, već i na ceo tutorijal. Ma,....sjajno!!! Pre svega što nema razloga da ti postavim bilo kakvo pitanje, jer je sve jasno ako se pažljivo pročita, a drugo - naučiti nešto novo od čega ćeš imati višestruke koristi je neprocenjivo.
    Hvala Vesna. ♥

    1. Hvala cico, mada sam možda neke delove tutorijala mogla bolje da objasnim ili fotografišem, ali sam to radila sinoć kasno i bila sam umorna, pa nije ni čudo. ♥

  4. Odlicno.Ali ja radim acetonom i mnogo je jednostavnije.Pozdrav

    1. Hvala draga. Znam i ta tu tehniku, ali sam htela i ovo da probam. Hvala ti na savetu u svakom slučaju. :)

  5. stvarno impresivno! jako jako mi se sviđa! super će ti se uklopiti u tvoj dom, već vidim ;)

    1. Hvala Ana. Već se uklopila i dobila slatke sadržaje. :)

  6. Such a beautiful box. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, marty

  7. Hola Vesna very beautiful box.. Me encanta esa patina negra y despues el blanco y el Diy con vela .. Genial

  8. How very pretty! Love the way you aged the box. I found you at Ivy and Elephants. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much Deborah!
      Have a lovely weekend too!

  9. The box has been aged to perfection. Beautiful patina - love the graphics.

  10. Absolutely enchanting Vesna - I just love how this turned out - marvelous tutorial - I will be featuring your post in this weeks A Return to Loveliness,

    1. Thank you so much Kathy! Have a lovely week!!
