A Neutral Fall Wreath DIY | Home Chic Club: A Neutral Fall Wreath DIY


A Neutral Fall Wreath DIY

Hello lovely people! For those of you who are new to my blog, welcome. Today I wanted to share my DIY grapevine fall wreath! The other day, my hubby and I were at our cottage, spending a beautiful, sunny afternoon in backyard. One thing that spoiled, otherwise perfect view was our front door. They desperately need a coat of a fresh paint! While I was thinking about painting the door, I start daydreaming how beautiful it will be with fresh coat of paint and embellished with a beautiful wreath. As I was thinking of going to shop the wreath, I suddenly realized! I don`t need to buy it, if I can make it myself! We have a huge pile of grapevine in our backyard for free!
Once something is on my mind, it becomes a instant obsession and I want to start immediately. My dear hubby, who knows me so well, deliberately stayed silent when I suddenly left our afternoon coffee and start wander around. First thing was to find the right, thicker branch, make a loop and secure it with wire (with his kind support, again without any comment or objections about cold coffee he will have later - very clever guy!). After that it was just wrapping other branches around the loop until it was thick enough. I must say it`s a little time consuming and long branches can be tricky (at that point, he totally give up his coffee and disappear - did I mentioned how smart he is?). For this part you don`t need wire, just tuck the end of each branch inside the wreath, and start again.

Zdravo dragi moji! Za one koji su prvi put na mom blogu, dobro došli. Danas sam htela da podelim sa vama moj "uradi sam" jesenji venčić od vinove loze. Pre nekoliko dana moj dragi i ja smo uživali u sunčanom popodnevu u bašti naše vikendice. Pogled, koji bi inače bio savršen, kvarila su mi ulazna vrata kojima je očajnički potreban makeover sa četkom. Dok sam razmišljala o tome kako treba da ofarbam vrata, nesvesno sam počela da zamišljam lepa vrata sa prekrasnim venčićem na njima. Odmah sam počela da planiram odlazak u kupovinu venčića, a onda mi je najednom sinula ideja. Zašto bih ga kupovala ako mogu da ga napravim?! Pa zar nemamo gomilu loze u svom dvorištu potpuno besplatno?!
Normalno, kad imam na umu neki projekat, to momentalno postaje opsesivno i mora da se realizuje odmah! Moj dragi, koji me tako dobro poznaje, promišljeno se uzdržao od komentara kada sam iznenada napustila našu popodnevnu kafu i krenula da tumaram okolo po dvorištu. Prvo sam pronašla odgovarajuću deblju granu i napravila krug koji sam učvrstila cvećarskom žicom (uz njegovu svesrdnu pomoć, naravno bez komentara i primedbi što ga prekidam i što će morati da popije potpuno hladnu kafu - pametan momak!). Posle toga, postupak se svodi na obmotavanje tanjih grana oko osnove sve dok se ne postigne odgovarajuća debljina venca. Moram da dodam da je za ovo potrebno strpljenje jer dugačke grane mogu da budu nezgodne (u tom momentu on načisto odustaje od kafe i nestaje - da li sam već pomenula koliko je moj dragi mudar?). U ovom delu postupka žica nije potrebna za učvršćivanje, dovoljno je samo podvući krajeve svake grane unutar venca i započeti sledeći red.
For decoration I used some faux fern and faux lavender. Using the wire cutters I cut apart the faux greenery and flowers stems so that it is in individual pieces. Slip the branches and flowers trough the grapevine wreath to create the look you want. I didn`t use hot glue or wire to secure it because I like to take it apart and use it again for the next season. Then, I added dried hydrangea, little branches and pine cones in the middle of greenery. I`be been going with a more neutral palette this season to make it work with other decorations in my home.

Prvo sam koristila veštačku paprat i lavandu za dekoraciju. Uz pomoć klešta sam odstranila listove i cvetove sa drške kako bih mogla da ih rasporedim pojedinačno na venac. Kada sam ih aranžirala, u sredinu sam dodala suve hortenzije i grančice i sve završila šišarkama. Birala sam uglavnom neutralne tonove ove sezone kako bi se bolje uklopile sa bojama u našem domu.
After that, I made a big burlap bow and secure it on the opposite side of wreath with hot glue. Finally, I made a cardboard G letter, for our family name, painted it black with acrylic paint and attached it with hot glue just above the burlap bow. Waving the ends of the burlap tails and tucking it into the wreath was a final step to make it beautiful! That`s all there is to it, simple and cute! At the end, I decided to bring it home with me, because the cottage door needs brush and paint much more then the wreath.

Sledeće je bilo pravljenje velike mašne od jute koju sam pričvrstila vrućim lepkom na suprotni kraj venca. Naposletku sam od kartona napravila slovo G, za naše prezime i učvrstila ga vrućim lepkom tik iznad jutane mašne. Ulepšavanje sam završila blagim "talasanjem" krajeva mašne koje sam potom uvukla u venčić! I to je sve, jednostavno i slatko! Na kraju sam odlučila da ga donesem kući, jer tim vratima na vikendici trenutno ipak više treba četka i boja nego venac.
That was such a fun project and really easy and inexpensive way to add a little fall touch to your home. Also, this wreath can be used over and over again for every season or holiday with just a few new touches and decorative elements, and that`s the best part of it! Have you begun embracing the season yet with some fun fall projects? 

Ovo je bio zaista zabavan projekat i jednostavan način da unesete mali dah jeseni u vaš dom. Najbolje od svega je što ovaj venac može da se koristi bezbroj puta, uz male izmene dekorativnih elemanata, za bilo koju sezonu ili praznik! Da li i vi uživate u novom godišnjem dobu uz zanimljive jesenje projekte i kreacije? 
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  1. Beautiful DIY:)
    Have a nice day!

  2. Svaka čast Vesna na toj s lakoćom realizovanoj ideji. Venčić je ko lutka. Potpuno razumem kad kažeš da nešto mora sad i odmah da se uradi.
    Muž saradjuje baš kako treba.. Ma sve se može kad se hoće ;)

  3. this post is really useful :-)

  4. I so love it! Thanks for sharing.

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  5. That looks so lovely and perfect for autumn. I was thinking of putting up some autumn decoration in the house soon.
    Have a good week

    1. Thanks dear! Love to see your fall decorations! xx

  6. Malo je reci da sam odusevljena, ovo je prava umetnost. Vrlo kreativno!


  7. Jako lijepo, Vesna! Slovo G mi se posebno sviđa, to je jedan pečat osobnosti

  8. Draga Vesna, iz posta u post me oduševljavaš svojom kreativnošću i svojim ukusom što se dekoracija i kuće tiče. Mnogo volim da čitam tvoje postove i da "upijam" sve dobre stvari o tebe. Jako lepo si napisala ovaj post, kao i napravila ove divne dekoracije za kuću. Najviše mi se dopada to što si ubacila ovo veštačko cveće, jako divno izgleda na ovom venčiću. Još jednom svaka čast!♥

    Kika's blog

    1. Hvala ti puno draga Hristina na ovom predivnom komentaru!! xox

  9. Such a beautiful idea, thanks for sharing this honey <3

  10. Vesna I really like how you made the wreath from scratch with vines. That is very clever of you and it looks really great. Now you can just change out the decorations to suit the seasons. Great idea and one that I am pinning.

    1. Thank you so much Mary, I`m glad you like it!

  11. wow this is classy! loved it

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my earlier post :D

    Maybe you have time see my new post Pants on Fire Love these!

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  12. Vesna, this wreath is so beautiful. I love how it looks so elegant too. I can see how easy it would be to change for the different seasons. Thank you for sharing this lovely inspiration At Dishing It & Digging it.

    1. Thank you so much Linda, pleasure is all mine!

  13. Beautiful wreath, love the dried hydrangeas. Thanks for linking up at the DI & DI Link Party. Hope you made some new friends and had fun. :-)

    1. Thanks Christine for having me, I had so much fun and inspiration! :)

  14. Draga ovaj vijenac je nešto u što sam se zaljubila. Sve pohvale na kreativnosti i na trudu. Izbor materijala mi se mnoogoo svidio kao i način na koji si ga skladila. Sve pohvale i kapa dole. :*


    1. Hvala puno draga, takvi komentari mi puno znače! xox

  15. loved it it is so beautiful .your hubby is very understanding and it make life easy .
    looks quite q hard work to me .thank you for sharing

  16. Really nice DIY. was reading a similar one from another blogger. It's nice to have two options. Thank you for sharing dear :)
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

  17. This looks amazing, I can't wait for December to start similar projects :)

  18. Hi Dear!
    I am in love with your blog!
    Following you from now :)
    I will be very happy if you follow me back :)


  19. Evo javljam ti se da sam te zapratila,pa možeš uzvratit!
    Samo ću ti reći da ti je blog jako inspirativan:)


  20. Bas je lepo uradjeno :D


  21. Oh very cute idea darling!


  22. Odusevljena sam postom!!
    Giveaway kod mene ☺

  23. Hello Vesna :) Oh my Gosh, this is really beautiful, sweetie :)
    Looks quite hard work to me, but I like so much that I will try to make it for Christmas. Thank you for sharing.
    P.S. Thank you for your kind message on my blog. I will visit your blog frequently because it inspires me.

    1. Thanks dear, it wasn`t that hard, you should try! xx

  24. Lepe fotografije, dobra ideja i vrlo jasno objašnjeno kako je sprovesti u delo. Uz to i divno provedeno popodne. Volim tvoj blog, inspirativan i zaista uživam u čitanju.
