Christmas Cotton Pom Pom Garland | Home Chic Club: Christmas Cotton Pom Pom Garland


Christmas Cotton Pom Pom Garland

Hello my beautiful friends! For those of you who are new to my blog, welcome! Today I wanted to share really interesting project! It was so easy and inexpensive to make, I thought I would share it with you.
All you will need is:
- Two 50 count bags of cotton balls
- A sewing needle
- Heavy duty thread - I used embroidery thread
- About half of hour of time
- A little patience 😉

Zdravo dragi moji prijatelji! Ako ste prvi put na mom blogu, dobro došli! Danas sam želela da sa vama podelim jedan vrlo zanimljiv projekat. Toliko je jednostavan, a troškovi su zaista zanemarljivi, da sam morala da ga podelim sa vama.
Sve što vam je potrebno je:
- Dve kesice od 50 kom. kuglica od vate
- Igla za šivenje
- Jači konac ili konac za vez
- Oko pola sata vremena
- I malo strpljenja 😉
Start by rolling every ball to make it as round as possible. Just rub them in the palms of your hands in a circular motion until they become round. (They look a little bit like marshmallow when you open the bag, so I recommend this step.)

Prvo oblikujte kuglice tako da dobiju okrugli oblik. Jednostavno ih valjajte između dlanova praveći kružne pokrete dok ne dobiju pravilan oblik. (Kuglice su pomalo kockaste kada ih izvadite iz vrećice, pa zato preporučujem da prvo to uradite da bi izgledale više okrugle.)
After that all you need to do is to thread the cotton balls onto your thread. I decided to use just one string and make one long garland, but you can cut your thread in smaller pieces and make a few garlands.

Posle toga vam ostaje samo da provlačite iglu i konac kroz kuglice i nižete svoju girlandu. Ja sam odlučila da napravim jednu dugu, a vi možete napraviti i nekoliko kraćih ako vam to više odgovara.
Special tip: It is easier to stick the needle trough the middle of the cotton ball rather then through the sides. Other way your cotton balls will start to fall apart.(Look on the photo below)

Važan savet: Kada nižete kuglice uvek nižite kroz sredinu,  a ne kroz deo sa strane. Ukoliko provlačite iglu kroz deo sa strane (onaj na kome se vidi namotaj) kuglice će početi da vam se rasturaju. 
(Ako niste razumeli, pogledajte sliku ispod)
I recommend  to tie a knot around the first and last one, just to secure them. You can space your pom-poms an inch apart, or you could push the cotton balls together (like I do) for a more solid looking garland. 

Takođe preporučujem da oko prve i poslednje vežete čvor radi sigurnosti. Možete ih razdvajati (par cm između svake) ili ih ređati gusto (kao što sam ja uradila) da biste dobili gustu girlandu.
What do you think of using everyday items in home decor?If you love it like me, I`d love to hear about your projects! 

Šta mislite o upotrebi svakodnevnih predmeta u svrhu kućnog dekora. Ako i vi volite da ih korisitite, volela bih da čujem više o vašim projektima! 
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  1. Hello, my darling! Ovo će biti lijepi ukras za predstojeće blagdane, već vidim! Može na jelku, može na zid ili oko prozora... Svugdje! Mekano, izgleda kao pahulje

  2. Hello Vesna! Thanks for this tip. You are always so full of fab tips :)

  3. Love this DIY! Pictures are amazing!

  4. OMG this is such a lovely and easy idea dor Christmas decorations! ^-^
    Thanks darling!

  5. Oh this is such a fun and cute idea!

  6. Looks really festive. Great idea.
    Have a nice day

  7. Hello Vesna,
    I love this and will make this garland with my daughter for christmas. I will send you a photo once I have done it.

    1. I`m so glad, can`t wait to see it! Kisses for your daughter! xoxo

  8. Love, Love, Love this pom-pom garland! So pretty.
    Mary Alice


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  11. Looks so cute! I love it!
    Awesome blog! I'm following you! Follow back?***

  12. Really interesting post) great decor)

  13. That's adorable Vesna and it looks amazing with all your other bits. Thank you so much for the share, I'm going to give this a try ;-)

  14. ovo je zaista prelepo i u duhu praznika koji slede!

  15. This is such a cute and creative idea. Who would have thought that a garland would look so good made of cotton balls?! Love!

  16. So interesting post ) Thanks for sharing )
    Would you like to follow each other? Please let me know)

  17. Božee koliko je ovo predivnoo*---* Moram isprobati ovo♥

    Kika's blog

    1. Hvala draga, jedva čekam da vidim! xoxo

  18. Predivno, draga moja. Upravo radim jedan "lanac". :*

    Moj mali kutak

    1. Super draga, jedva čekam da vidim! :)

  19. This garland is so pretty AND so simple! Thanks for the great idea! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  20. Thank you so much, it`s really fun ans easy project.
