DIY Shibori Dyeing 4 Ways | Home Chic Club: DIY Shibori Dyeing 4 Ways


DIY Shibori Dyeing 4 Ways

When I think of spring, I always think about colors and scents... crisp nights with a dark blue, starry sky and mornings full of light. It`s a perfect contrast of dark and light... deep blue and white, which I must admit is one of my favorite combination! This is why we are going to speak about Shibori dyeing today. 
Shibori is a Japanese manual resist dyeing technique, which produces patterns on fabric. There are an infinite number of ways one can bind, stitch, fold, twist, or compress cloth for shibori, and each way results in very different patterns.
The idea of recreating an ancient Japanese dyeing technique inspired me to spend an entire day experimenting with my favorite deep blue, indigo. After dyeing just about every white article of clothing in sight 👀, I decided to share this tutorial with you, because Shibori is surprisingly easy (and very fun - if you don`t mind blue hands and a few stains in the kitchen) to DIY. I will share more in my next post - Spring Home Tour! If you missed my tips for Easy Spring Home Makeover, you can find it here

Kada pomislim na proleće, uvek razmišljam o bojama i mirisima... sveže, hladne noći na tamnom, zvezdanim nebu i jutra puna svetlosti. Savršen kontrast svetlog i tamnog... indigo plava i bela, jedna o mojih omiljenih kombinacija. Zato danas pričamo o Shibori tehici. 
Shibori je Japanska tehnika bojenja tkanine tehnikom presavijanja i vezivanja čime se stvaraju neverovatne šare i dezeni. U skladu sa time da se tkanina može savijati, vezivati i uvrtati na mnogo načina, nebrojeno je i mnogo dezena, koji se ovom tehnikom mogu dobiti nakon bojenja. 
Ova ideja me je navela da provedem dobar deo popodneva u eksperimentisanju i bojenju u moju omiljenu tamno plavu nijansu, indigo. Nakon što sam obojila sve što sam našla belo u blizini 😉, odlučila sam da podelim sa vama ovaj tutorijal, jer Shibori je veoma jednostavna (i prilično zabavna - ako se izuzmu plave ruke i par fleka po kuhinji) "uradi sam" tehnika. U narednom postu - Prolećnoj turi kroz moj stan ćete videti kako sve ovo izgleda u mom domu! A ako ste propustili moje savete za Brzi Prolećni Makeover Doma, možete ga pogledati ovde.
You’ll need: 
an indigo dye kit or fabric paint 
natural fiber clothing or fabric 
big gallon buckets 
rubber gloves 
2 popsicle sticks 
rubber bands 

indigo ili boja za tkaninu 
tkanina od prirodnih vlakana (pamuk, svila itd.) 
velika kofa ili šerpa 
gumene rukavice 
2 drvena štapića 

Start by mixing your indigo dye or fabric paint according to the package directions. You’ll need to fold and bind your fabric before proceeding with the dye; see below for several folding options. Once you’ve folded your fabric, it’s time to dye! First, soak your folded and bound fabric in water, then squeeze it out. Now, gently submerge your fabric in the dye. You can soak your fabric for almost any length of time (10-30 min.), or according to the package directions. 
If you are using indigo dye, when you remove your fabric from the indigo dye, let the fabric sit out in the air for a few minutes, and as it oxidizes, it will turn from green to the distinctive indigo blue. Once your piece has oxidized, all that’s left to do is rinse your fabric in water, squeeze it out, and let it dry and iron it to set the color.

Počnite pripremom indiga ili boje za tekstil prema uputstvu na pakovanju. Pre nego što počnete sa bojenjem, tkaninu morate saviti u željenom obliku. Nakon što se tkaninu savili, potopite je u hladnu vodu i pustite da se dobro skvasi. Ocedite višak vode i tkaninu ubacite u boju. U boji je možete držati koliko želite (od 10-30 min.) ili onoliko koliko piše na uputstvu. Ja sam koristila boju za tekstil (kupljenu u farbari) pa sam tkaninu kuvala oko 30-40 minuta na srednje jakoj temperaturi. 
Ako koristite indigo, nakon što izvadite tkaninu iz boje ona će biti zelena, pa se mora ostaviti na vazduhu nekoliko minuta da oksidira i dobije karakterističan, indigo ton. Nakon što ste tkaninu izvadili iz boje dobro je isperite, ostavite da se osuši i ispeglajte da se boja potpuno fiksira.


1. To make an abstract ring pattern, simply wrap sections of the cloth over a found object, usually small stones or pebbles. Then the cloth is bound in very close sections with rubber bands. The result is a very specific circular spider-like design (I totally messed up this one, but it`s ok).

1. Da biste dobili apstraktne krugove, zamotajte male objekte u tkaninu (ja sam koristila staklene ukrase koje sam imala pri ruci), učvrstite ih gumicom, koju treba obmotati što više puta da bi se dobila jasnija šara (tu sam načisto zabrljala jer sam obmotala samo tri puta pa šara nije došla do izražaja 👀).
2. For the second technique, fold the fabric like an accordion. Then fold it again in a triangle shape. Fold the first triangle upwards, next one underneath continuing until the end of the fabric. Then add 2 popsicles on each side of triangle and secure them with rubber bands.

2. Za drugi dezen presavijte tkaninu kao kada pravite lepezu. Zatim napravite sa gornje strane jedan trougao, potom isti takav sa donje strane i tako do kraja tkanine - lepeze. Drvene štapiće stavite odozgo i odozdo i učvrstite gumicama.

3. Next technique is really easy and involves tying fabric (in this case using rubber bands) in areas where you would like the dye to be resisted. 

3. Treći dezen je jednostavan i sastoji se u vezivanju tkanine gumicama. Raširite tkaninu, uhvatite je u sredini i podignite. Vezujte gumice u razmaku koji vam se čini zanimljiv, imajući u vidu da će tkanina ostati svetlija ili bela tamo gde se gumice nalaze.
4. For the forth technique, fold the fabric like an accordion and tie fabric using rubber bands in areas where you would like the dye to be resisted. It will end up making squares on the fabric.

4. Za četvrtu tehinku, ponovo napravite lepezu i vežite je gumicama u pravilnim razmacima. Na ovaj način će nastati kvadratna šara na tkanini.
Lastly I did an ombre effect on this scarf. I put a 1/3 of a throw in a dye for about 5 minutes, then second third for about 2 minutes and last third I just dip and remove from a dye immediately to make it less blue.

Poslednja tehnika, koja zapravo nije Shibori, je ombre. Vrlo je jednostavno, podelila sam dužina ovog šala na tri, prvu trećinu sam potopila u boju na oko 5 minuta, drugu trećinu na 2 minuta, a poslednju sam samo potopila i odmah izvadila da bi boja bila što svetlija. 

Such an amazing project, don`t you think?! I really enjoyed it! So cool and fun! Have you ever tried this technique or something similar? 

Totalno sam oduševljena rezultatima i baš sam uživala u ovom veselom projektu! Da li ste vi nekada probali ovu tehniku bojenja ili neku sličnu i kakva su vam iskustva?


  1. Odličan tutorial! Super mi je shibori kao tehnika i vjerujem da je ful zabavno za istraživati, ali nekako nisam za taj tip uzoraka pa još nisam isprobala! :)

  2. Odlican post,al molim te da uzvratis komentar

  3. Omg fantastic Vesna ! You have an incredible talent for these works!xx
    Coco and Jeans by Marisa x My Instagram x My Bloglovin

  4. great!

  5. Amazing DIY :) kiss

  6. It a super creative DIY tie-dye <3 I've always adoring anything in blue <3

  7. So well done!! We used to do this dying when we were younger, but I haven't tried it in ages. It looks so nice!
    Have a good evening

  8. Great tutorial! I used to see this a lot when I was younger.

    1. Thanks. Me too, looks like it`s on trend again! xx

  9. Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

  10. Anonymous3/24/2017

    Moram priznati da nisam čula za ovu tehniku do sada.
    Dopada mi se konačni rezultat, može biti korisno za dekoraciju doma. :)

    Kathy's delight / Instagram

  11. wow this is so so cool- I love the blue shaddows :-)

  12. Very interesting tips! thank you for sharing ;)
    I like your blog, would you like to follow each other on GFC or other social medias ?
    Let me know on my blog, and ill follow you back ;)

  13. Odlicna ideja :) bas mi se svidja jer volim boje i sarenilo :D

  14. This look so fun and the result is really cute"

  15. This so amazing! I also did a DIY project - HOW TO DO YOUR OWN STYLISH COOKERY BOOK and it is so simple!


    1. Thanks Ivanna, I`ll check it out! xx

  16. I love how they all turned out! :) xx

  17. Još jedan divan post u tvojoj seriji DIY postova. Obožavam ih i svki puta me, iznova, oduševiš sa novitetima. :*

    Moj mali kutak
