March 2015Home Chic Club: March 2015


DIY Cloche

Some time ago I had an accident and broke my beautiful candy bowl. Bottom of the bowl was broken and it was no longer usable.
Rather than throw it away, I began to think what to do with the part that remained intact? The idea was to turn a broken bowl into something beautiful...
For this makeover I needed just a bit of rope and hot glue gun.
Top of my new cloche was very sharp and dangerous, so I wrapped it with the rope and secured it with hot glue. Now it`s safe and lovely!For the end of this makeover I just added a couple of little flowers in the spirit of spring and there you have it! My new DIY cloche! Isn`t it lovely?!
Oh, this lily`s smells so good!! Sending you a spring greeting!!

Pre nekog vremena sam imala nezgodu i razbila sam lepu posudu za bombone. Dno posude je puklo i posuda više nije bila upotrebljiva. 
Ali, umesto da je bacim, ja sam počela da razmišljam šta da uradim sa delom koji je ostao netaknut? Ideja je bila da je pretvorim u nešto korisno i lepo.
Za ovaj makeover mi je bilo potrebno samo malo kanapa i pištolj za vrući lepak. Vrh mog novog zvona, koji je bio veoma oštar i opasan, sam obmotala kanapom i osigurala uz pomoć vrućeg lepka. 
Za kraj sam dodala par cvetića u duhu proleća i evo ga! Moje novo, DIY zvono za kolače! Zar nije slatko?!
Ah, kako mirišu zumbili... Šaljem vam prolećni pozdrav!

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