Mozart cake - recipe | Home Chic Club: Mozart cake - recipe


Mozart cake - recipe

I made this cake for my sons birthday and he LOVED it! So beautiful and creamy!
I must say this is for people who love spending time in the kitchen and love seeing a delicious fancy cake emerge...and the look on their family/guests face when they serve it. 
It`s decadent, beautiful and great for chocoholics and marzipan lovers. Like all cream cakes, must be made a day before serving (at least)!


For the cake:
4 eggs, 100 g sugar, 1 Bourbon vanilla sugar, 100 g flour, 75 g corn starch, 2 tsp. baking powder, 50 ml rum or brandy.

For the chocolate filling:
500 ml cream, 100 g milk chocolate, 150 g nougat or Nuttela, 100 g dark chocolate (70% cocoa).

For the pistachio filling:
150 ml cream, 100 g white chocolate, 50 g ground pistachios, 25 g chopped pistachios, green food color.

For the upper layer and decoration:
150 g marzipan, 50 g powdered sugar, 50 g grated dark chocolate (70% cocoa), ground pistachios and whipped cream.

Preparation time: 65 minutes

1.For the sponge, firmly whisk the egg whites with the sugar and vanilla sugar. While whisking add egg yolks one at a time. Then stir in the sifted flour mixture, baking powder and corn starch. Cake bake in the form of Fr. 26 cm at 175 * C for about 30 minutes. 

2.Cooled sponge cake cut into 3 equal parts, and spray them well with rum or brandy.

3.For dark filling in warm cream add chocolate and nougat, let it melt. Let it cool, then whisk firmly, and add grated bitter chocolate.

4.For the pistachio filling in warm cream melt white chocolate. Let cool and tightly whisk, then add pistachio and optionally a little green color.

5.Lower crust coat with green filling. Overlap the middle crust, coat with half the chocolate topping, put the top crust, gently press and coat the entire rest of cake with the chocolate cake filling.

6.Work marzipan with powdered sugar and roll it to the size of the cake. Cut it in 16-ways and 8 parts half fold. Sort by parts of the cake as shown. The rim of cake sprinkle with bitter chocolate. Use the rest of the chocolate to make violin keys, and sort them on the cake. Add cream and sprinkle with minced pistachios.


Za biskvit:
4 jaja, 100 g šećera, 1 Bourbon vanilin šećer, 100 g brašna, 75 g gustina, 2 kšč.praška za pecivo, oko 50 ml ruma ili konjaka.

Za čokoladni fil:
500 ml slatke pavlake, 100 g mlečne čoklade, 150 g nugata ili Nutelle, 50 g ribane gorke čokolade (70% kakaa).

Za fil od pistaća:
150 ml slatke pavlake, 100 g bele čokolade, 50 g mlevenih pistaća, 25 g seckanih pistaća, malo zelene boje.

Za gornji sloj i ukrašavanje:
150 g marcipana, 50 g šećera u prahu, 50 g ribane gorke čokolade (70% kakaa), mlaveni pistaći i ulupana slatka pavlaka.

Vreme pripreme: 65 min.

1.Za biskivit čvrsto ulupati belanca sa šećerom i vanilin šećerom. Muteći dodavati jedno po jedno žumance. Zatim umešati prosejanu mešavinu brašna, praška za pecivo i gustina. Biskvit peći u formi vel. 26cm, na 175*C, oko 30 minuta.

2.Ohlađeni biskvit prerezati na 3 jednake kore, i dobro ih pokapati rumom ili konjakom.

3.Za tamni fil u mlaku pavlaku dodati čokoladu i nugat, pustiti da se rastopi. Dobro ohladiti, a zatim čvrsto ulupati, i dodati ribanu gorku čokoladu.

4.Za fil od pistaća u mlakoj pavalaci rastopiti belu čokoladu. Dobro ohladiti i čvrsto ulupati, pa dodati pistaće i po želji malo zelene boje.

5.Donju koru premazati zelenim filom. Preklopiti srednjom, premazati sa pola čokoladnog fila, staviti gornju koru, lagano pritisnuti i premazati celu tortu ostatkom čokoladnog fila.

6.Marcipan izmesiti sa šećerom u prahu i razvaljati ga u veličini torte. Iseći ga na 16-ine, a 8 delova do pola zaviti. Poređati delove po torti, kao na slici. Obod torte posuti gorkom čokoladom. Od ostatka čokolade iscrtati violinske ključeve, i poređati ih po torti. Ukrasiti ulupanom slatkom pavlakom i posuti mlevenim pistaćima.
P I N  T H I S  F O R  L A T E R ! !

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  1. I came to learn about the cake and I'm marvelled at your blog.
    Congratulations, it's great!
    I'll be now following.
    Take Care,

  2. Thanks Teresa! :))
    Following your blog 2! :))

  3. Anonymous3/08/2013

    Very nice.
    Actually Im salivating with all those marzipan. It has to be my fav.
    Great recipe.

  4. Ukusno, ukusno, baš ukusno!

    1. Jeste, jako je ukusna, ali nije teška, ukusi su savršeno izbalansirani. Obavezno probaj. :)))

  5. Sretan rođendan sinu Strahinji, želim mu puno zdravlja i radosti , vjerujem da je uživao u torti jer izgleda predivno:))) Pa zar i to znaš tako divno raditi?!!!!!!

    1. Hvala puno Sonja!
      Jeste, uživao je i po prvi put je zaista bio zadovoljan tortom. A ja ti radim svašta nešto, a kad je hrana u pitanju, pored ukusa, meni je uvek bitna estetika... :)))

  6. Izgleda vrlo lijepo, sigurno je i ukusna!

    1. Jeste Fikreta, baš je ukusna!Probaj!! :))

  7. Joj, Vesna, nije trebalo ovo da objavljuješ :D
    Mislim, torta je čudesna, ali ja se trudim da se ovih dana manje družim sa slatkišima. Prosto mi dođe na načnem monitor :D
    Možda za jedno mesec-dva isprobam ovaj tvoj recept :)

    1. Hahahaha... potpuno te razumem... :))
      Iskreno preporučujem a probaš, sigurno ćeš uživati!

  8. Anonymous3/12/2013

    I ako sam antitalenat za pravljenje torti,ovo moram da probam.Cini mi se da nije komplikovana za pravljenje.

    1. Nije, vredi pokušati. Sigurna sam da će ti uspeti i da ćeš kasnije uživati. :))

  9. What a beautiful idea, I would love to have some musical cake! Also, I have no great cooking skills, but your recipe sounds like I could try it someday :)

    1. It`s really easy Meeha, try and enjoy :))

  10. joj sto bih ja ovo pojela :D divno izgleda!

    1. Hahahaa... verujem...divno izgleda a još boljeg je ukusa :))

  11. Predivna je, uzimam recept !!!

    1. Hvala draga, ako voliš marcipan, uživaćeš.
